About MtaaNet
MtaaNet is a brand inspired by the golden rule “love thy neighbour as thyself”. Mtaa is Swahili for neighbourhood and Net is short for network.
Our Slogan is "We Connect People". MtaaNet is an online platform which seeks to connect people for assistance, opportunities and partnerships:
- Assistance means food relief, house rent, school fees, medical aid and mediation.
- Opportunities means courses, events, jobs, tenders, projects, properties, products and services.
- Partnerships means advocacy, business, career, mentorship, social as well as spouse matching!
The Founder attracted an investor of USD 100,000 at KCB Lions' Den (a franchise of Shark Tank USA) though the deal was not concluded due to their 60:40 rather than his 50:50 revenue sharing proposal. The TV show selects 100 finalists out of 5,000 applicants and only about 25 (0.5%) receive an offer as he did by an investor who heard his pitch once without prior information. This is a vote of investor trust. His profile is available on LinkedIn.
MtaaNet is registered by the Kenya Copyright Board under the Copyright Act, Constitution of Kenya and International Treaties which include the following provisions:
An Author is granted the right to "the distribution to the public of the work by way of sale, rental, lease, hire, loan, importation or similar arrangement" - Copyright Act (26)(1)(c). The State shall (a) promote all forms of national and cultural expression through literature, the arts, traditional celebrations, science, communication, information, mass media, publications, libraries and other cultural heritage; (b) recognise the role of science and indigenous technologies in the development of the nation; and (c) promote the intellectual property rights of the people of Kenya. - Article 11, Constitution of Kenya.MtaaNet was previously hosted in France then relocated to Netherlands under a service provider with over 1.2 million customers globally since 2001. The platform complies with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) of the European Union (EU).
MtaaNet is an initiative of Nabii McKnight & Associates. Copyright No: RZ41100. Charity No: #13333220 (UK). Registered Office: 71-75 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, WC2H 9JQ, London, United Kingdom. Legal Address: Chege Kibathi & Co. Advocates LLP, Hughes Building, Kenyatta Avenue, Nairobi, Kenya, East Africa. P. O. Box 21686-00100 Nairobi. WhatsApp +254 721 923 823, +254 722 888 963, +254 790 698 523 | Email team@mtaanet.com | PayPal: paypal@mtaanet.com | M-Pesa Paybill 247247 Account 555577.
Certificates UN SDG
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